
VšĮ "Domus Pacis"

Address: Papilio g. 9, LT-44275, Kaunas

Phone: +370 682 47794


How to find us?

Interactive street map

How to get to the “Domus Pacis” parking lot by coach or car:

Please note: the map is particularly important for arrival by coach since the right-turn from A. Jakšto street into Papilio street is too narrow for long vehicles but manageable by cars only. Coaches must therefore approach Papilio street from the opposite side via Rotušės square (Aleksoto or Muitinės st.) as shown on the map and can then turn left into Papilio street.


Walk from the nearest public (paying) parking lot to the guesthouse:

Please note: if for a coach driving in to A. Jakšto street is a problem, passengers can disembark at the public parking and walk to the Guesthouse past the castle. By prior agreement the reception desk can take care of the luggage transfer.


"Domus Pacis" Pilgrim House
  Papilio g. 9, LT-44275 Kaunas, LITHUANIA
  Tel.:  +370 682 47794